When you need to feel better now!

Hope for adults and families who struggle with negative and

unhelpful thoughts, emotions, and behaviors due to trauma, anxiety, OCD, or family issues learn skills to create lasting changes for your life so you can enjoy your life again!

We help you get back to the life you love.



When you need

help now! 

We are here to help you heal and make lasting changes!

Family life can be hard! We all know how stressful family life has been since the pandemic. Some families learned to thrive and others continued to struggle, feeling stuck and overwhelmed and don't know where to turn. 

Is it hard to see any change or hope for a different future as a family? Do you wonder if your family will ever get better? When will this crazy cycle of fighting and having BIG emotions be over? Can we survive another school year? You worry constantly. You’ve tried to improve yourself and your family but nothing worked so far. 

You are caught in a cycle of old destructive patterns of negative thinking, feeling anxious and overwhelmed taking care of everyone else BUT yourself. Your children have behavioral issues and might be falling behind academically. You do not know how to manage your emotions effectively or how to be present with your children. You might feel embarrassed to admit you need help. When parents and children both struggle with the same symptoms we often advise the parents to seek counseling first as they model corrective behaviors, thoughts, and emotions to their child at home often counseling is no longer needed for the child. 

However, you may be an adult who is divorced with children or single and struggling with similar issues. You are fed up with this cycle and just exhausted with your life right now. You might be able to push through by willpower for a while but the changes don’t last and you seldom really feel good and content anymore. You aren’t sure exactly what you need but you know one thing......YOU need change!

YOU are not ALONE!  We can help you change and reach your goals within 3-6 months!!!

At the Tilton Counseling Center, we can help you or your family! We can help you to emotionally feel balanced again!

We specialize in helping you learn to talk to those you love, have fun together, and thrive again.

We teach adults and families to calm their minds, stay regulated and find hope with individual and family counseling.

BOOK your FREE consultation appointment today!

Our counseling services address a range of issues including trauma, anxiety, emotional regulation, adjustment issues, obsessive-compulsive disorder, stress and burnout, behavioral issues- parenting, and family problems. We use evidence-based psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT), Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), Emotional Freedom Technique Tapping (EFT), Parent Management Training, and Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) to help our clients achieve their goals.

Our approach aims to help clients regain their enjoyment of life by teaching coping skills and emotional regulation. We focus on reducing anxiety, negative thoughts, and obsessions, as well as improving communication and relationships with loved ones. Emotional self-regulation is a key aspect of our approach, which involves developing tools to identify triggers and affect changes to effectively support yourself and others in achieving emotional balance and mental well-being.


New Client First Intake Session : 60 minutes  $180

Individual or Family, includes assessment and treatment plan

Individual or Family Session : 50 minutes $150

Individual or Family Session

EMDR Session : 60-90 minutes $180-270

Most EMDR sessions range between 60-90 minutes (adults only)

(DNF is offered as a benefit to reduce anxiety and feel calmer with improved results). 

Individual or Family Session : 30 minutes $90

Some children respond better to shorter sessions or  parent session without your child

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